An example of the effects of ignoring rule-of-law is showing up along the Texas-Mexico international border. Falcon Lake is famous for its bass fishing. It is a fairly big lake on the Rio Grande river, straddling the border as the long river finally approaches the end of its journey to the Gulf of Mexico. Mexican gangs have been robbing American fisherman on the lake, many of whom drive $50,000 boats in order to go fishing. According to news reports these Mexicans wear black uniforms like the Mexican law enforcement authorities, carry automatic weapons, two way radios, and have very fast boats which can easily out run the boats being used by the American Border Patrol.
Most of the Mexican police in the area have either been murdered or are so terribly threatened and intimidated that they are nowhere to be seen. It has been estimated that more than 50% of the Mexican law enforcement officials are corrupt and actively assist these Mexican criminal gangs.

When I moved to Europe you were safe from apprehension if you were able to cross the international border between Germany and Holland. The police could not cross the border and continue pursuing you. This was great for the bad guys, but harmed civilized society. So even though these two countries have a fair amount of bad blood between them historically, they agreed to let their police forces continue right on past the international border when in hot pursuit. Notification by radio is encouraged but not required. This policy has worked out great.
The only thing preventing America and Mexico from implementing a similar hot pursuit cooperation agreement is that the Mexican culture does not support rule-of-law. The general populace has now fully accepted the dishonest approach of paying bribes to government officials. Also, the Americans are not likely to allow the Mexican police onto their territory when so many of these Mexican authorities do not believe in rule-of-law, and are in the pockets of the criminal gangs.
My recommendations are twofold. First, the American authorities along the border, whether they be called Texas Rangers, the Police, the Texas Department of Public Safety, U.S. Customs, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, or the U.S. Navy must be supplied with the very fastest and most powerful boats currently made. Fast attack helicopters too - armed with live guns and missiles. Our law enforcement personnel must be provided with technology at least as good as the enemy has – this includes weapons, body armor, radios, night vision equipment, etc.
Second, the Americans need to begin a policy of continuing on in hot pursuit. Ideally this would be with the official agreement of the Mexican authorities, but if they refuse (which almost certainly they will) then it needs to happen anyway, simply as a matter of reality. This is a situation of self defense when our countrymen are under attack by machine gun toting murderers headquartered in Mexico. Just because the American fishermen are mostly corrupt, rich bastards driving their $50,000 boats does not allow us to ignore their genuine calls for help. If we allow the Mexicans to continue these deadly attacks, then we have tacitly agreed to ignore rule-of-law ourselves.
No doubt the Mexican government wasn't very happy with America when we entered Mexico with our military to try and apprehend Pancho Francisco Villa after he and his men killed eighteen Americans in Columbus, New Mexico. Too bad. Sorry that the Mexicans got their feelings hurt. When one if under attack by deadly force one must fight back. Simply cowering in a corner is not the American Way, nor is it the Texan Way.
I generally believe in non-violence, but in this life threatening, self defense situation it will only result in further, even more barbarous attacks by the Mexicans.
Don't Mess With Texas .