Sunday, June 06, 2010

When The Oil Starts Running Out

The New York Times has a great article today about the various people who are concerned about what will happen to society as the easy to recover (read cheap) oil runs out and worldwide we transition to using oil which which was more difficult, dangerous, and expensive to recover.

The article describes the collapsitarians and the doomers, both of which are “located somewhere between the environmental movement and the bunkered survivalists.”

I certainly won't live long enough to see the major effects of the cheap oil shortage, but it still makes me feel good about myself to own a house with triple pane windows, a white roof, and to drive a Toyota Prius. I do find myself sometimes thinking about the social and economic collapse which might result. Maybe these thought patterns of gloom and doom, possible imminent chaos, and destruction are contributing to my generalized paranoia. Or maybe this mostly is just a physical and chemical reaction to having late stage leukemia.

