The Germans and the French Have Just About Completely Burned Their Bridges
This picture is an accurate view of how happy Sarkozy and Merkel are with each other. They disagree and they don't trust each other. This picture shows so much distaste you would almost think that
they were married to each other.
France wants the European Union to become a single country, the United States of Europe; with him as the first president. He doesn't want the downer of any sort of austerity at the moment. Merkel has no intention of making Germany only one county or state in a country called USE. She intends to keep the autonomy which goes along with Germany being a country, and she is one tough lady. She is moving Germany towards fiscal austerity whether the French like it or not.
Merkel even canceled a dinner between the two leaders at the very last minute. It was so last minute that the French press corps had already arrived in Germany.
Despite some well reasoned objections from various friends of mine who still live in the Euro Zone, I maintain my forecast that the Euro currency is doomed. I won't still be around in ten years and I don't believe the Euro will be either.
LINK TO MAIN ARTICLE:,1518,699672,00.html

France wants the European Union to become a single country, the United States of Europe; with him as the first president. He doesn't want the downer of any sort of austerity at the moment. Merkel has no intention of making Germany only one county or state in a country called USE. She intends to keep the autonomy which goes along with Germany being a country, and she is one tough lady. She is moving Germany towards fiscal austerity whether the French like it or not.
Merkel even canceled a dinner between the two leaders at the very last minute. It was so last minute that the French press corps had already arrived in Germany.
Despite some well reasoned objections from various friends of mine who still live in the Euro Zone, I maintain my forecast that the Euro currency is doomed. I won't still be around in ten years and I don't believe the Euro will be either.
LINK TO MAIN ARTICLE:,1518,699672,00.html