Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social Security Trust Fund

I see that the chief actuary for the social security administration says that this will be the first year where social security pays out more in retirement payments than it receives from employee payroll deductions. I am now in my early 60's. For well over 40 years I have had large amounts of money deducted from my pay each year to be invested in the social security trust fund. No doubt the government has earned a little interest on my money, so there should be a large trust fund just waiting which has my name on it.

Of course this is all just dishonest propaganda. Social security has always been a pay as you go system. Sort of a U.S. Government ponzi scheme. So where have our elected officials spent all of the excess money? Certainly not on universal health care; nor on programs trying to reduce obesity or smoking. They also haven't spent my money properly maintaining and repairing the nation's bridges and roads.

No, my elected representatives have largely pissed away my pension trust fund on the military and on entirely unnecessary wars. When I was a young boy the outgoing president of the United States, former General Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned the American people about the military-industrial complex. It now seems that these assholes have wasted almost all of my retirement fund on brutality and killing.

These are the same right wing types as represented today by congressman John Boner. Of course the blue dog Democrats blissfully went right along with it all.

I served my country faithfully by giving it three of the best years of my life. After I graduated from college the Vietnam war was still raging, and I served in the U.S. Army as a clerk-typist stationed in West Germany. I received an honorable discharge. Now it seems that these bastards with the United States Government have stolen most of my old age pension.

And you wonder why some people get so angry?

