Thursday, January 01, 2009

Government Aid

One of the duties and responsibilities of the United States federal government is to sometimes play Robin Hood. Take some of the money collected in taxes (from people who can afford to pay) and give this money to people who are out of work, down on their luck, or who have managed to get old and just plain deserve a pension. This is their job; this is why we put up with their dumb arrogance.

The government also is expected to provide an army to protect us from foreign invaders, a good fire department, a police department that functions well and is not corrupt, and courts which enforce the Rule Of Law.

It is the duty of government to regulate things like bridge and road construction, tires and seat belts, the safety of the food we eat and the drugs we take, and to provide health care to people who cannot afford it.

The government is expected to protect us from crooks, whether they are bankers peddling mortgages, insurance salesman, and all sorts of “investment advisers” who like to play with OPM (other people’s money).

One of the federal government’s jobs is to provide a stable currency so that the economy can function properly. It is their job to make sure that the banks are safe, and that the money we save in the banks is protected by the full assets of the Government of The United States of America.

At times the economy goes through a rocky stretch. The one we are in now was directly caused by the Republicans. They encouraged all of the country’s manufacturing to move overseas, and then they virtually completely removed all regulation from the crooks on Wall Street. They said that this “deregulation” was a good thing, and that the rich people would spend enough money that a little would eventually trickle down to the serfs. Naturally these greedy wealthy criminals took advantage of the situation and stole many Billions of dollars.

Part of recovering from a severe recession or depression like the one in the 1930’s or the Bush Recession of 2008 is for the federal government to spend large amounts of money to resuscitate the economy. They have to borrow money from the Chinese and others to do this. They spent $700 billion on the millionaire Wall Street crooks, insurance companies, and bankers. They had to borrow the money to do this from the Chinese and various Muslim Arab Sheiks.

It is essential that the government continues spending large amounts of money to “prime the pump.” However it is important that this money is spent sensibly. That is vital. Bridges to nowhere are still a waste of money, just now it is not our money that we are spending. We had to borrow this money from our sometimes unfriendly foreign competitors.

If there is a company which for many years has been declining because their products no longer serves the needs of 21st century society (such as the hogs that General Motors makes), then spending bundles of money on them is pretty much a total waste. Other wasteful examples would be the government spending a lot of money to keep alive the tobacco industry, film photography, analog TV, fast food restaurants, land line telephones, or the daily printed paper newspapers. All of these are in decline, and the government needs to let them quietly go into the grave.