Tuesday, July 17, 2007

International Museum of Art

The El Paso International Museum of Art has an excellent exhibition going on called Art on The Border. The lead painter is the fine artist and very nice gentleman Bassel Wolfe, who has lived in El Paso for many years. I was fortunate to have met and talked with him last weekend.
Also exhibiting are Bob Adams, Bill Bissell, Holly Cox, Willibald DeCabrera, Alberto Escamilla, Julie Ford Oliver, Kitty Kistenmacher, Mario Parra, Bill Rakocy, Krystyna Robbins, Corinne Spinnler, Nina Walker, Martha Moheno, Candy Mayer and Abel De La Rosa. Sculptors are Karen Alvarado, Ray Alvarado, Vladimir Alvarado, Jimmie Bemont, Judy Garcia, and Claude Montes.
This museum is located in the Trost house at 1211 Monatana Ave. El Paso Texas, 79902. It is open kind of weird hours: Thursday thru Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.