Monday, May 14, 2007

Saint Peregrine Laziosi

I am not a Catholic, but I find their interest in all the various Patron Saints kind of interesting. Sort of in the same way I find astrology neat. Its like a couple of thousand years ago the various religions that had all sort of multiple gods. I was raised as a Christian, and as a young man even wore the black dress and served in the Episcopal Church services on Sunday mornings.

Nowadays I am not even an agnositc. I have progressed well beyond this, and I am now actively opposed to all known forms of ORGANIZED religion.
Over the weekend I went to Las Cruces, New Mexico. At the outside downtown mall they were holding an alternative energy get together. Lots of vendors and stands for NGOs relating to solar energy, conservation, wilderness, etc. There were the standard ex-hippie freaky people selling mystical crystals and rocks, incense, home made jelly, candles, etc. Really very nice indeed.
One of the vendors was an old man who was hooked up to a jug of oxygen. His stand was selling framed paintings of various patron saints. His wife does the painting and he custom makes the frames. I saw one labelled Cancer. In all honesty (and ignorance/innocence) I asked him if this was for people with the astrological sign cancer, or for folks afflicted with the disease. He didn't understand me properly and came back with an answer that could be taken either way.
Well from the old man I bought one of these paintings of Saint Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer patients.

Now this morning on ACOR which hosts the prime internet support group for CLL I see that some lady is suggesting that my British Doctor be cannonized as the patron saint for CLL. I don't imagine she meant it literally, but why not?
Professor Doctor Terry Hamblin is indeed a very humble man, and it sure seems like a miracle for a man of his talents and expertise to each day be on the internet providing leukemia patients with open minded, unbiased advice. And he is funny as can be.
The only problem is Dr. Hamblin is not a catholic. Oh well, maybe this too can be overcome with some kind of miracle. If a virgin chick who has never had sex can get pregnant then just about anything is possible.