Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

I was thinking I might wear my Veteran baseball cap today. After all, I am a Veteran, and I did serve in time of war. The Vietnam War was just as stupid as the wars today. In retrospect anyone with half a brain can see that we should never have gone into Vietnam. All you have to do is change this to Iraq to modernize it.

Anyway, I was going to wear my Veteran's hat today, but then I find out that this isn't even officially called Veteran's Day anymore. It is now Remembrance Day. Sort of like Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. What a load of crap.

I did actually serve in the Army during the Vietnam War, so I am a Vietnam era veteran. But I served in Frankfurt, West Germany so my time in uniform wasn't nearly as hazardous as those poor bastards who were sent to Vietnam.

Most soldiers sent to Vietnam were cooks, or telephone repairmen, or clerks. But the few who actually did shoot and kill and fight went through hell; they came back pretty screwed up too. After just one tour of duty. Imagine the trauma that these kids today in Iraq and Afghanistan-Pakistan are suffering. Tour after tour after tour. Many of them really will be screwed up for the rest of their lives.

And we don't even have the balls to call it Veteran's Day anymore. Civilians just want to ignore the Bush wars, and try to pretend that these young people who are so terribly messed up don't exist. No doubt the Republicans are trying to scheme some way into reducing these soldier's benefits, and then through more tax cuts to the rich, stealing the money.

I took the picture in Verdun.

