Monday, July 12, 2010

Roman Polanski

The Swiss have decided not to extradite film producer and child molester Roman Polanski back to America for his 1977 crime of having had sex with a 13 year old girl. This 13 year old girl is now an old woman, and she has clearly stated that she doesn't want this matter opened and rehashed again. She has moved on, and she feels that it would negatively affect her current life.

Switzerland is one of the best educated and most civilized societies on the face of the earth. I've visited there many times. Visited the big cities, and backpacked and climbed peaks in the Swiss Alps several times.
I don't think this is an example of power and big money overruling justice.

At least the world has learned once again that Mr. Polanski has an evil, destructive side to his personality. I wouldn't want to invite him over to my house for dinner. He's not the kind of person I would want in my life. If you lie with dogs, you end up getting fleas.

ASIDE: By law all adult Swiss males are members of the “Swiss National Guard.” They keep their military weapons and ammunition stored in each of their houses. It sort of confirms what Robert A. Heinlein says, “An armed society is a polite society.”
