Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Southern Border

As Mexico continues to spiral downward into anarchy I am moving closer and closer to supporting a fence along our entire southern border. This is a big change for me, but considering the lawlessness in Mexico and the corruption in the Mexican government, law enforcement, and military personnel I think it may be the only effective way to go.

I saw the Berlin wall back when it was active, and again many years later after it fell. I now live just a few miles north of Juarez and the border with Mexico; so I have given this matter a lot of thought.

We don't need some expensive high tech “virtual” fence, not just a tank-trap fence, not zillions of helicopters, unmanned drone aircraft, and not lots of new and highly corruptible border patrol agents in their big SUVs. Just a tall, strong, honest fence. Like Israel is putting up to protect itself from the Palestinian insanity.

Border patrol agents, large tethered balloons with radar machinery on board, and most of the rest are just expenses. We spend the money now, and we have nothing to show for it next year. A proper wall is a genuine investment which will help the country over a span of many years.

It is time to give up any hope that Mexico will solve its battle with corruption. The time has come to simply try and stop the infection from spreading north to America.
