Friday, April 02, 2010

Needless Wars

If anyone needed any proof that President Barack Obama is really a Republican at heart, one only has to look to Afghanistan. He has increased troop levels tremendously. These are the actions of a warmonger getting mired deeper and deeper in the Vietnam like mess.

Obama's words are good. Whether on the environment, health care, Wall Street, or the useless wars. His words are fine; it is his actions that are the problem. He talks like a moderate progressive, but his actions are those of center right Republicans. He said that the war in Afghanistan was not winnable unless the Karsai government got corruption under control. Not only have they not, now President Karsai is saying that the the Americans and the U.N. were the ones responsible for all the fraud in the recent election in Afghanistan.

Obama should simply withdraw all of the U.S. troops and all of the U.S. financial aid. But of course he won't...the Obama story line will simply morph a little more.

Americans should feel horrible shame for all the killing and injuries we have caused in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
