Sunday, April 18, 2010

Childhood's End

I am in the middle of reading Childhood's End which was written by Arthur C. Clarke. It first appeared as a short story in 1950 and then came out in book format in 1953. So this is a science fiction book that is as old as I am (61) and yet is not terribly dated.
The edition I'm reading is the thirty-third printing, dated February 1976. I just realized that is the month and year that my son was born.

This is a really good book, which has had great impact on many other science fiction writers and stories.

It doesn't have very much to do with the plot or the story, but I find this quote on page 74 interesting: “The creeds that had been based upon miracles and revelations had collapsed utterly. With the rise of education they had already been slowly dissolving...” and “...a man's beliefs were his own affair, so long as they did not interfere with the liberty of others.”


