Monday, March 29, 2010

Watching The Death Throes Of The Catholic Church

Unless the Roman Catholic Church rapidly begins ordaining women, and even elects a female Pope, then starts encouraging priests to marry and have children it is dead. The church is dying, and it is doing so rapidly at this point.

For more than 50 years priests worldwide have been rampantly sexually abusing the children under their care. Yet the Catholic Church still feels that the major problem is the sin of a priest disregarding his vow of celibacy, not the sin of him causing horrible lifetime damage to these many thousands of boys. This church-wide pedophilia is an evil beyond description.

Maybe Joseph Ratzinger has the balls to see through this level of change, but I sort of doubt it. After all Cardinal Ratzinger was the “bulldog” who enforced these same rules for many years.

With improved worldwide communication and education organized religion in general has been in decline for some time. What is happening to the Catholics at this point is very different. It is several orders of magnitude greater. It is like the Church has been afflicted by a relatively dormant cancer for many years, but suddenly the cancer has metastasized into an amazingly aggressive and fast growing malignancy. This malignancy of pedophilia now seems to have taken hold all over the body. Unless plenty of really strong chemotherapy and radiation are applied, a fairly rapid death is almost a certainty. There is no certainty of survival even with the oncologists infusing all sorts of poisons. No doubt it will all be horribly painful to experience and even to watch from afar.

It seems equally plausible that the Catholic Church could be deemed a “continuing criminal enterprise” and be found guilty of committing thousands of crimes against humanity. If that scenario were to play out then 100 years from now the Church may well evoke similar mental images of horror and revulsion as do the concentration camps and “ovens” of Hitler's Nazis.
