Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do Our Elected Representatives Really Care What The Voters Think?

President Obama is working hard at trying to get normal citizens to pressure their elected representatives with phone calls and emails to ask them to pass his health care program. Obama is articulate and is having some great success. But does it really matter?

It is clear that our representatives really do care what the voters think, because they want to stay in power and they want to keep their jobs. But because of the immense pressure for money to fund their campaigns they are forced to pay a lot of attention to what their major contributors want.

No doubt most of our elected representatives won't admit that they have had to “sell their souls” a bit to get elected and stay elected. But everyone knows better. The American form of democracy is now at the point where the politicians frequently pay vastly more attention to what their major campaign contributors want than they do to what the people who elected them want. There are words that describe this phenomenon: Corruption and Bribery.

Most of the messes we see can be traced back to this. Without genuine campaign finance reform the open buying of politicians in American will continue.
