Saturday, February 06, 2010

USDA Tracking of Meat

Even in the face of all the recent food scares and scandals, and the inability of food processing companies to track produce or animals back to individual farms, the United States Government has decided to cancel it's nationwide program of tagging and tracing farm animals, and just let the individual states take care of things.

When you buy meat at the supermarket you can be certain that most of it comes from another state. This is clearly interstate commerce. Traditionally letting the states handle things has just been a form of deregulation, only under another pseudonym.

This is just one more example of the Obama administration saying the correct things, but in their real life actions behaving like a bunch of center-right Republicans. Sometimes I think I must have gone through some kind of a time warp along the way, and what I am witnessing is really another parallel universe.

This sick society that I see today sure isn't the United States of America that I grew up in.
