Cars That Go Boom Boom Boom
Back when I was in high school it was popular to remove the muffler from your car. This made the engine produce a tiny bit more power, and it made you feel like you were driving a really fast car. Thus you felt sexy and cool. Motorcycle riders still seem to be afflicted by this same syndrome. Society and the police unfortunately didn't appreciate the loud noise back in the 1960's. They felt that it was somehow irresponsible and created some sort of a public nuisance. 
In the 21st century those who do not have the funds to buy a really nice car instead spend a much smaller amount on a powerful amplifier and 15 inch woofers for their junker car. They think this makes them seem cool or sexy, even with their crummy car and their morbid obesity. Roughly the same phenomenon.
The difference is that nowadays the police are no longer interested in enforcing silly inconsequential things like noise ordinances or public nuisance noise regulations. To be fair the cops do have other things they must deal with like rampant teen gangs with knives and hand guns. And of course their quota for speeding violations has to be met in order to help fund the government workers.
The good news is that these young people with the powerful amplifiers and big woofers who are so annoying now will be mostly deaf by their mid-40's. The same thing goes with those people who plug earphones into their mp3 player and then turn it up really loud.
In future years when the ringing in their ears becomes a real problem, maybe it will remind them of how stupidly they behaved in prior years.

In the 21st century those who do not have the funds to buy a really nice car instead spend a much smaller amount on a powerful amplifier and 15 inch woofers for their junker car. They think this makes them seem cool or sexy, even with their crummy car and their morbid obesity. Roughly the same phenomenon.
The difference is that nowadays the police are no longer interested in enforcing silly inconsequential things like noise ordinances or public nuisance noise regulations. To be fair the cops do have other things they must deal with like rampant teen gangs with knives and hand guns. And of course their quota for speeding violations has to be met in order to help fund the government workers.
The good news is that these young people with the powerful amplifiers and big woofers who are so annoying now will be mostly deaf by their mid-40's. The same thing goes with those people who plug earphones into their mp3 player and then turn it up really loud.
In future years when the ringing in their ears becomes a real problem, maybe it will remind them of how stupidly they behaved in prior years.