Saturday, December 19, 2009


The results were extremely poor, much like I was afraid. The developing countries actually thought this conference was about an enormous transfer of wealth from the developed countries to the largely corrupt/poor countries. But it really was about making substantial and difficult changes worldwide to greatly reduce the burning of fossil fuels.

America, the world's second largest polluter, agreed to lower its total emissions, just a bit. China, the largest polluter in the world, agreed to lower the rate of growth of it's emissions. In other words the air pollution coming out of China will continue to grow, just not quite as rapidly as it would have. But the Chinese wouldn't even consider any form of verification, so its all just words. Blah, blah, blah.

America can't even protect New Orleans or rebuild it after the big flood. Is it going to help by giving billions of dollars of cash to corrupt, poor countries supposedly to build sea walls, etc? All it will do is enrich the corrupt political leaders in these developing countries.

Don't just talk about humanity doing things to reduce global warming. Put your money where your mouth is. I drive a Prius, and my house has a white roof and triple pane windows.
So was anything accomplished at COP15? At least we are well beyond the ignorant George Bush's denial of global warming. This is very welcomed.

