Saturday, November 07, 2009

Religious Intolerance

Another radicalized, lunatic Muslim religious fanatic has intentionally killed lots of completely innocent people. AGAIN.

Believe it or not, some of the other Muslim soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas have already begun blaming this outrageous act of mass murder not on the guy who did it but on the military and the U.S. Government’s policies.

One of the founding principles of America was religious toleration. According to what is taught in civics classes, in America you are welcome to belong to any fanatical religious sect of your choice, or not believe in any religion. As long as you do no harm. This last part is vital.

Killing the Jewish athletes in Munich in 1972 (I was there), knocking down the twin towers in New York and flying into the Pentagon with high jacked airliners on September 11, horrible dark-age style discrimination against women, and far too many incidents of suicide bombings to even count.

What the Koran says is irrelevant if in actual day-to-day practice the true believers who claim to live by the Muslim faith continue to behave like mass murderers.
