Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Recession Is Over

This is an example of different people meaning different things when using the same word. To economists a recession is over when a country’s economy has shown any positive growth at all for two quarters is a row.

To the average person the Great Recession is clearly not over. Homes are still being foreclosed upon, and the unemployment rate is still going up. If the jobs do not ever come back, when will the recession be over? Economists write newspaper articles and speak to normal people who are not economists. Saying to them that the recession is probably over under the current circumstances is really dim-witted.

Some well educated people who used to have good paying jobs are suffering horribly. Living out of their cars, and without any health insurance. And virtually no societal safety net thanks to the Republicans in this brutal land of the free. Freedom to starve; freedom to die needlessly.

Telling these people that the recession is over is cruel and brutal. Desperate people do desperate things.
