Monday, September 07, 2009

The Government Option

One of the most polarizing parts of the Universal Health Care debate has been what is being called the Government Option. Basically letting citizens have the freedom to make the choice between the current profit driven corporate controlled health insurance, and inclusion in the government medicare system before they reach age 65.

Some of the greed-driven types get wild eyed and shout out uncontrollably that this would amount to socialism. Government controlled health care. Just like everyone in the country over the age of 65 has. Just like the military has.

I have a couple of questions that keep nagging at me. If the current profit driven health insurance system is so vastly superior, why would anyone choose government controlled health care?

If such a large portion of the American population want to choose government controlled health care instead of the profit driven corporate controlled health care system that it would actually threaten the continued viability of corporation controlled health care, in a democracy how can we justify denying that option to our citizens?

The bottom line is that health care reform without the inclusion of a genuine government option is a total waste. Useless. A distraction which has driven a deep wedge in American society, dividing those who care about the 50 million Americans who do not have health insurance, and those disgusting, selfish right-wing bastards who only care about themselves, greed, and profit.
