Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wild Boar

The Wild boar (Sus scrofa) has always been respected by people familiar with it. In mythology they are seen as brave, strong, straightforward, and fearless warriors. In battle they are fierce. A mature wild boar typically weighs 400 - 600 lbs., and has dangerous tusks which it uses in fighting.

The boar is an aggressive animal, and is known to be unrelenting in its attack. The wild boar was a sacred animal for the Celts, for whom it symbolized military strength and goodness. In Celtic mythology the boar was sacred. Some myths portrayed boars as the fierce quarry who led their hunters to the otherworld. Some Celtic tribes wore amulets of the wild boar to protect themselves in battle.

At least three Roman Legions are known to have had a boar as their emblems: Legio I Italica, Legio X Fretensis, and Legio XX Valeria Victrix. Legion X Fretensis was centrally involved in the First Jewish Roman War which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 AD. Norse warriors would use the image of the boar for decorative purposes as well as its actual teeth for various forms of adornment. In ancient Japan the war god was sometimes depicted as a boar.

So far during my 60-1/2 year journey I have never gotten a tattoo. Since I am battling leukemia and according to statistics I am not too terribly far from the closing stages of this little one act play, then whatever I have left that I want to do in this life I better get with it.

I am considering getting a tattoo - of a wild boar!