Monday, August 24, 2009

Universal Health Care

Early in the Obama administration either President Obama or some arrogant and condescending spin doctor hired by him decided that the people who supported and elected President Barack Obama were really quite stupid. The decision was made to stop talking about Universal Health Care coverage and instead just talk about cost containment on health care spending. They actually thought that with enough lies and marketing skill they could pull the wool over the progressives’ eyes.

Reducing the greed inherent to the American health care system is indeed important, but it is an entirely different subject.

Universal Health Care coverage does not mean making private health insurance a bit more affordable. It also doesn’t mean extending coverage to some people who previously were not covered. It means 100% total UNIVERSAL health care. Everyone is covered; free of charge. Simple. Yes, taxes go up a bit, but health insurance premiums go away and this saves almost double the increase in taxes.

And everyone receives the same quality of health care. The poor person gets exactly the same quality of health care as the Wall Street guys or Congressmen and Senators.

The cynical scum on the right wing may be ignorant racists, but not all of them are stupid. It is a big mistake to underrate their deviousness, dishonesty, and brutality. The smart ones could see right through this childish ruse by the Obama administration. What these lies did do though was cause a significant portion of the Obama supporters to begin worrying that President Obama might be a dishonest man.

The only solution which will work is a single payer system. Now Obama is even getting wobbly on the Public Option. “No Balls Barack” may end up being his legacy.

Social security was passed with ZERO Republican support. These reactionary cowards on the right are good at throwing monkey wrenches into things, but as Bush proved they are horrible at running the economy or the country. Thinking that the Republicans would be willing to come to some sort of a “reasonable” compromise just shows how badly President Obama is out of touch with reality.