Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cheney’s Death Squads

I read in today’s news that the openly homosexual daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney has loyally come out in support of her father.

Is seems that she feels that is was perfectly OK for her father to organize and send secret death squads around the world to assassinate any of those evil people that he and his cronies didn’t like or agree with. She supported her father’s decision to do this in total secrecy, with Mr. Cheney ordering the CIA to not disclose anything about the program to Congress. Although they are often ineffective, Congress is the American branch of government whose job it is to provide oversight.

Yes, the Nazis and the KGB would have agreed with Mr. Cheney that it is often so much simpler to do these kinds of things in secret without all those petty annoyances like checks and balances, civil rights, democracy, or the rule-of-law.