Tuesday, June 23, 2009

American Republican Politicians

In the New York Times, Nobel prize winning economist and college professor Dr. Paul Krugman said today:

“The Republicans, with a few possible exceptions, have decided to do all they can to make the Obama administration a failure. Their role in the health care debate is purely that of spoilers who keep shouting the old slogans — Government-run health care! Socialism! Europe! — hoping that someone still cares.

The polls suggest that hardly anyone does. Voters, it seems, strongly favor a universal guarantee of coverage, and they mostly accept the idea that higher taxes may be needed to achieve that guarantee. What’s more, they overwhelmingly favor precisely the feature of Democratic plans that Republicans denounce most fiercely as “socialized medicine” — the creation of a public health insurance option that competes with private insurers.”

The Republicans are looking more than stupid and irrelevant. They are looking dishonest, maybe even disloyal enough that it should be called treachery.


LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/22/opinion/22krugman.html?scp=1&sq=krugman%20health%20care&st=cse
