Friday, May 22, 2009


When I was travelling around the middle east I spent several days in Jerusalem. It is one of the most historic places on the face of the earth.

The Jews are adamant that it should remain Jewish and not be divided. The Arabs are equally adamant that some of their holiest sites are in Jerusalem, so they don’t want the Jews to control it. And the Christians have a bit of a vested interest as well.

In the name of organized religion many, many thousands of people have been brutally killed over the years. Jerusalem has been the focus for much of this.

There really is only one solution which will work over the long term.

Jerusalem becomes a neutral and independent entity controlled by the international community. Anyone of any religious faith would be welcome to come and visit. It could be the headquarters of the Muslim faith, the Jewish faith, and the Christian faith all at the same time. I think it would be a good idea for it to serve at the same time as the world headquarters for the “Anti-All-Organized-Religion” faith as well.
