Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Lunatic Right Wing Fringe

In America there is a fairly large group of hard core locos who are strongly into conspiracy theories. Their politics generally lean towards the right wing. They have some relatively articulate people who sound well educated and reasonable who are putting up videos on You Tube.

I suppose that at almost every stage of its development the United States of America has had its share of loonies. From the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis to the greedy and irresponsible Wall Street capitalist types who drew down $18 billion in bonuses last year…while their companies were undergoing melt down.

These lunatics really hate President Obama and all that he stands for. The Secret Service sure has its job cut out for it. Lets just hope that they haven’t been infiltrated by the anti-American right wing like they were on 24.