Monday, December 29, 2008

Go For It Israel!

If missiles were being fired into the United States each day from Mexico or Canada (or Cuba, or Russia, China, or Iran), you can be absolutely certain that the USA would not put up with it for one moment.
Israel shouldn't have to tolerate this sort of agressive behavior either.
They need to keep bombing those people until the Palestinians recongnize Israel's right to exist as a state, and until they stop this foolish agression and constant bombardment of Israel with missiles.
Every day Israel should drop leaflets on the Gaza Strip explaining to the Palestinian people that as long as missiles continue to be fired into Israel, the bombing of Gaza will not stop. Period. Put the onus on the backs of the Palstinian populace.
It also would be completely rational for Israel to stop selling the Palestinians fossil fuels to power their electricity generating plants. The Palestinians want to destroy Israel. That part is pretty clear. Why the Jews put up with this behavior from someone who wants to completely destroy them is beyond me.