Friday, April 25, 2008

Hillary Thatcher

I recently retired and moved back to America after working for the last 15 years in Europe. I was the General Manager of the European division of a multinational food processing company. An American colleague of mine who I worked with over there has now retired to Venice, Italy. He sent me an e-mail this morning in which he suggests that maybe a woman is just what America needs right now.
Please try to look past his language. Actually he is a highly eductated man with a very open mind:
"On the other hand Thacher was a complete bitch that makes Hilary look like a girl scout and she saved a failing nation. Merkel is hated in Germany but she is doing OK too.
I think a woman will do what America needs. Health care, education, care for the elderly, a bit less war (perhaps) Thacher sent England to war against Argentina for a worthless piece of sheep Herder land or is there oil under it?
I have been a supporter of Obama, and I still like him a lot. But maybe what we need to overcome the racist, ignorant, elitist Republicans is a mean, dishonest, street fighter with her bloody fangs bared.
This is not the America I believe in, but maybe it has come to that.