Inu Caught Another Rabbit
My little black doggie Inu (translates to "dog" in Japanese) caught another cottontail bunny rabbit this morning.
I have noticed recently that he only half heartedly chases after Jack Rabbits (hares). Maybe it is their long legs and the fact that he doesn’t have any chance at all of catching them.
Or maybe it is an aroma thing.
This morning I arrived shortly after the capture. The bunny was not yet fully dead. Inu was standing over it while it convulsed in death throes. When I showed up, Inu walked 20 or 30 feet away and just stood there looking at me.
After watching the poor little bunny suffer miserably for about 30 seconds, the ethical choice of action became crystal clear. The little guy needed to be put out of his misery. One shot from my .44 magnum to his head sent him promptly to his maker. Or as John Lennon said, “Its like getting out of one car and getting into the next.”
My little black doggie Inu (translates to "dog" in Japanese) caught another cottontail bunny rabbit this morning.
I have noticed recently that he only half heartedly chases after Jack Rabbits (hares). Maybe it is their long legs and the fact that he doesn’t have any chance at all of catching them.
This morning I arrived shortly after the capture. The bunny was not yet fully dead. Inu was standing over it while it convulsed in death throes. When I showed up, Inu walked 20 or 30 feet away and just stood there looking at me.
After watching the poor little bunny suffer miserably for about 30 seconds, the ethical choice of action became crystal clear. The little guy needed to be put out of his misery. One shot from my .44 magnum to his head sent him promptly to his maker. Or as John Lennon said, “Its like getting out of one car and getting into the next.”