Sunday, February 24, 2008

Abusive Marketing Tactics

I used to subscribe to the El Paso Times. I cancelled my subscription because of several factors, but mostly because it contained far too much advertising and too little news.
During the last month the automated telephone dialer for the El Paso Times has dialed me seven times asking that I re-subscribe.
I have asked them to stop calling me numerous times, both by telephone and by email. On January 31, 2008 Don Flores, who is the Excecutive Vice President and Editor of the El Paso Times, sent me this e-mail:
Dear Mr. Garland,

I apologize for the trouble.

I have forwarded your email to our circulation director.

Please let me know if the problem continues.

Again, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

--Don Flores

I have told these people that I have malignant cancer, and that because of my illness I require a lot of sleep. I have also informed them that my telephone number is on the National Do Not Call Registry. Apparently I am not getting through to them because now less than a month later their automated computer telephone dialer has called me four times during the last 48 hours.