Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Morning Walk With The Dog

My dog and I had a very nice walk out in the desert this morning.

The sun was shining brightly, the sky was a beautiful color of blue, we had a very light breeze, and the temperature was a perfect 46 degrees F (7,8 C).

This is a link to a high resolution copy of this photo of Mt. Franklin: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2315/2155729324_cbdc4de453_o.jpg

We walked 1.3 miles (2,09 kilometers), first following the 1,000 year old trail through the desert made by the native peoples.

After going about ½ mile we had climbed up onto the mesa. We then used the Garmin GPS to return to several locations where in the past we have found evidence of inhabitation by prehistoric peoples.

At an elevation of 4,030 feet MSL (1.228 meters) we found a nice pot shard. N 31.74791, W -106.25580