Thursday, December 13, 2007


Over the years I have known many members of the church of latter day saints, LDS, or mormons.
It is my observation that to an even greater degree than people who are members of the jewish faith, mormons have great family values. Not just the words, but families sticking together and supporting each other. And the church holds the community together, supporting those in need. Vastly superior to most other sub-cultures in America.
This sounds a little pervey, but like southern baptists, it has been my experience that mormon women experience a great deal of guilt. This guilt makes sex seem much nastier to them and heightens their sexual excitement and pleasure. So its not all bad. On TV once I saw a black commedian. A friend of his was putting down someone who thought sex was nasty or naughty. And the black commedian said, "It sure is if you're doing it right."