Thursday, August 30, 2007

Labor Day Weekend in America

I lived in Europe for almost 20 years. Most of this time I was a civilian, working as General Manager of the European Division of our company.
In Europe labor unions are very routine. Probably most workers belong to a union. And this is partly responsible for workers being treated more humanely than in those countries where labor unions are suppressed. Four to six weeks of vacation each year is quite normal, and three day weekends are common. In America it has been fashionable since the 1940's and 1950's to be anti-union. Even among working class, blue collar people. The rich are getting richer, the gap betweeen them and the poor is widening, but membership in labor unions is continuing to decrease. Go figure. I guess native raw intelligence must be in short supply among the working class in America.
In the news yesterday it was noted that the percentage of people in America who do not have health insurance has increased again. I've got to tell you, after a lifetime of being insured for major health or accident problems, it sure is interesting and different to be 58, out of work, have a form of malignant cancer that affects the bone marrow and the body's ability to fight off disease (one's immune system), and not have health insurance or access to the health care system.
I have almost finished the last of the high blood pressure medication I brought with me when I moved back to America 8 months ago. So in the next few months I either have to find a cheap doctor who will provide me with a prescription that can be used in the Wal-Mart $4- per month program, or I will be buying my medicine in Mexico.
Just like lots of other old folks. People who led hard working lives with dignity, and who now that they are getting older are being shunted aside and ignored by society. Please don't bother us with your problems you smelly old folks. In fact maybe we ought to take another look at legalizing doctor assisted suicide/euthanasia.
What started out the above rant was the fact that the LABOR DAY celebration is this weekend. So it will be a 3 day weekend in America. Except for the very most reactionary and right wing of companies. And there are tons of different events taking place all over America.
Siliver City, N.M. Mineral Show:
Hillsboro, N.M. Apple Festival:
Hatch, N.M. Chile Festival: