Searching for Fluorescent Rocks
The regional vice president of the Fluorescent Mineral Society for the Tucson, Arizona area is a very nice lady. She is sold on the concept of using a black cloth barbecue cover so that one can search for fluorescent minerals during the day light hours. I absolutely love camping out in the wilderness, and then at night when gets dark getting the fluorescent lamp out. It is such a nice way to search for glow rocks.
Last weekend I went on a field trip with the El Paso Gem and Mineral Society. We went up to a large open pit copper mine near Hillsboro, New Mexico USA.I tried out my almost $100- black BBQ cover. I can now report that in the June sunlight this device makes an excellent solar powered oven. Good grief! One could not possibly remain under cover for more than about 45 seconds without almost suffering a heat stroke.
One of my friends sent me a couple of pictures she took of me. One of the pictures shows me on the ground inside of the BBQ cover. My little black doggie is looking at me thinking, “What in the hell???”
The other picture shows me carrying the BBQ cover. My friend called me Batman. After seeing her picture I can see why.