I grew up with one older sister and one younger brother. My parents had done a good job of spacing us; we were all roughly 3 years apart.
When my little brother continually got in trouble at school for having his shirt tail untucked, little did I realize that it was because of the large and getting larger growth he had on his ass cheek. It was later removed surgically, and thank heavens the doctors did not have to remove any bone or his leg. He later graduated with honours from UTEP as an electrical engineer.
My little brother died in his 40’s of
hardening of the arteries. His personal finances were in a mess after he and some of the best and brightest from Texas Instruments in Dallas had gone out on their own and started their own computer software
Today is my big sister Jan's birthday. Over the years she and I have grown closer and closer. Jan is a really nice person and a neat lady with 4 great kids.
We had a great lunch, and afterwards she opened her presents. She got some great gifts including a Nintendo Wii.
When my little brother continually got in trouble at school for having his shirt tail untucked, little did I realize that it was because of the large and getting larger growth he had on his ass cheek. It was later removed surgically, and thank heavens the doctors did not have to remove any bone or his leg. He later graduated with honours from UTEP as an electrical engineer.
My little brother died in his 40’s of

Today is my big sister Jan's birthday. Over the years she and I have grown closer and closer. Jan is a really nice person and a neat lady with 4 great kids.
We had a great lunch, and afterwards she opened her presents. She got some great gifts including a Nintendo Wii.
My little black doggie Inu and I took a 1.1 mile walk out in the desert this morning. We saw some more beautiful wild desert flowers.
A red pickup truck drove nearby (maybe 100 yards) on a dirt road. Just a few seconds later a BIG dog like a rotweiler ran directly towards us and away from his lazy pickup truck owner.
No doubt the lazy prick in the 8 mpg red pickup truck
was walking his dog via the truck. He probably had an open beer can in his hand or sitting between his legs in his lap.
I was rather concerned that we were going to get in a possibly fatal conflict with the big dog (fatal to him if he attacked), but fortunately just as I was kneeling down and was in the process of getting my pistol out of my ankle holster the big dog backed off and ran away. Thank goodness.
Nonetheless the rest of the way back to our car I carried the little gun concealed in my hand. (Yes, I do have a license from the State of Texas to carry a concealed firearm.)
A red pickup truck drove nearby (maybe 100 yards) on a dirt road. Just a few seconds later a BIG dog like a rotweiler ran directly towards us and away from his lazy pickup truck owner.
No doubt the lazy prick in the 8 mpg red pickup truck
I was rather concerned that we were going to get in a possibly fatal conflict with the big dog (fatal to him if he attacked), but fortunately just as I was kneeling down and was in the process of getting my pistol out of my ankle holster the big dog backed off and ran away. Thank goodness.
Nonetheless the rest of the way back to our car I carried the little gun concealed in my hand. (Yes, I do have a license from the State of Texas to carry a concealed firearm.)