Thursday, December 07, 2006

America's Shame

The United States of America is one of the richest countries in the world. And in America the political leadership strongly favors rich people. Sounds like just plain old left wing radical spin or rhetoric huh?
Conventional wisdom and our own self image is that we are a good, decent and compassionate people who really do try to help out people who have less than we do.
But in actual practice it looks more and more like we are compassionate about our own own people the same way that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are in our country's foreign policy.
The El Paso Times published in today's paper an article citing a study done by the Center For Border Health Research. The address for their web site is:
Their entire study can be seen or downloaded in pdf format by going to this link:


To summarize their report: Texas has the highest proportion of people with no health insurance in the nation. In El Paso almost 40% of adults do not have any health insurance. Among hispanics it is more than 45%
