Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sugar Kills

The New York Times has a good article today on blood glucose levels. The article says that by the 3d or 4th decade of one’s life, the human body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels begins gradually to decline.

And the article shows that high spikes in blood sugar are associated with memory loss in us old farts.

Sugar is really bad stuff. And it is addictive as hell.

You only have to look around at all the young, morbidly obese, lard asses to see that the industrialized parts of the world have a big health problem facing them. The sugar in sodas, cookies, pies, candy, gum, and a great many other foods have a big part to play in this.

Sugar/corn syrup kills. It is right up there with tobacco and alcohol as far as the physical harm it does to our citizens. It doesn't just make you fat. It makes you demented.
