Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Governor Bill Richardson

I was an early supporter of Bill Richardson. I really liked the guy, his approach to things, and his politics. I thought he had genuine integrity.

Now things have changed a little. With his withdrawal from the Obama cabinet various rumors are beginning to surface.

I support the concept that just because someone is accused, or even if they are formally indicted, that they are innocent until they are proven guilty by the court system.

To be honest, once the system takes the risky move to get off of top dead center and formally accuse someone famous, these people normally are in fact guilty. Often they have even done much more than what they have been accused of. Not always though.

Sometimes innocent people are accused wrongly. It can be a mistake, politics, or a deliberate and intentional attempt to ruin someone unfairly. It could simply be that someone is prejudiced against Mexicans. There is a lot of that going around.

I really hope that I’m wrong about this, but I’ve got a nagging doubt about this matter with the Governor of New Mexico. I hope that the smoke does not indicate fire in this case, but I think that over time we will learn that indeed Bill Richardson did have his hand in the till. Just a little bit, but in politics generally any corruption at all is enough to seriously damage one’s career.
LINK: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/editorialsopinion/2008592863_edit06cabinet.html