The Europeans and Big Mac
The Germans overwhelmingly think Senator John McCain is the best candidate.
Good article:,1518,532266,00.html
There's no point in living if you can't feel alive. - James Bond
The Germans overwhelmingly think Senator John McCain is the best candidate.
Good article:,1518,532266,00.html
... H Paul Garland at 10:45 AM
I got to see the new El Paso Holocaust Museum today. It is truly special.I have been to holocaust museums at Dachau, in Berlin, and in Cologne but this new one in El Paso, Texas is the best. Honest.
Today was a really special day too. Sara Hauptman was speaking to a large gathering of Germany Air Force members. She is a holocaust survivor, a great grandmother, and a proud American citizen who lives in El Paso.
During WWII she was a young Jewish mother and lion tamer. But no one knew she was Jewish. When working in the ring with an audience full of Germans, she was very frightened of the Nazis, but she knew that she must not let the animals smell her fear.
One of the ladies who volunteers at the museum told me that Mrs. Hauptman was shaking today. In fear of the Nazis…..this many years later.
During the war she fought with the Belgian Resistance under the cover of a lion tamer in a circus. She made false identity papers, delivered messages, disposed of Allied parachutes, and more. After her arrest she was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau where she became a victim of Dr. Mengele’s experiments. Later she was shipped to Dachau near Munich, Germany. --(In 1972 I visited Dachau for the first time, and I was at the summer olympic games in Munich the day that the Palestinians murdered the Jewish athletes.)
After the liberation by the Allies, she met General Dwight D. Eisenhower and became a liaison between the Allied liberators and concentration camp survivors.
This excellent museum is in downtown El Paso. Entry is free and it is open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 to 4:00. On Saturday and Sunday it is open from 1:00 pm to 5:00.
This is a link to their website:
... H Paul Garland at 4:48 PM
... H Paul Garland at 11:44 AM
... H Paul Garland at 8:08 AM
In a small town in in Vermont there has been a successful petition drive to allow the voters to choose wheter to charge President Bush II and V.P. Cheney with committing war crimes.
They have been somewhat surprised at how viscious and negative all the reaction has been. Surprised? They must have a led a pretty sheltered life. The Republicans and their fellow travelers hold world records on being rude and nasty.
But Hillary and Bill are fast learners.
... H Paul Garland at 7:44 AM
I'm going to say something really shocking.
If you look at the very large amount of money that is being spent on pork barrel projects you see that it is growing exponentially. This fiscal irresponsibility is going to come home to roost. The country and many voters have been spending more that their income for some time now.
Al Gore won the election, not the Bush dynasty.
Many other countries spend a far smaller amount per capita on health care and yet have effective universal health care. In America we waste vastly more money doing it all in the private sector, and yet a significant percentage of the people do not have health insurance.
The Congress in Washington, D.C. is in perpetual gridlock.
Does it begin to be clear the picture I am painting? Maybe, just maybe, we no longer have the best and most effective form of government in the world.
This is a pretty shocking thing to say, but I am beginning to think it may be true.
... H Paul Garland at 6:38 PM
... H Paul Garland at 3:08 PM
... H Paul Garland at 11:04 AM
In today's press they are saying that Bill Clinton's recent behavior supporting his wife looks a bit like a rabid mad dog. And that it is unfitting to see an ex-president acting in this manner.
Well, getting blow jobs in the white house from young enthusiastic aides is rather unseemly too.
And what exactly did Bill do with that cigar Monica?
... H Paul Garland at 10:55 AM
Us Democrats seem to be slow learners. We keep running people as a candidate for president who don't have the slightest chance at all of winning.
This is a video of a nice old lady asking Senator John McCain, "How do we beat the bitch?"
... H Paul Garland at 7:06 AM
... H Paul Garland at 5:02 AM
I decided to try out my new telephoto lens at night with the starlight filter on it.
This picture is taken from the far east side of El Paso. Near the intersection of Joe Battle and Zaragoza Rd.
The mountain is about 13 miles (21 km) away.
... H Paul Garland at 6:40 PM
Mrs. Clinton’s rude and uncivilized attack on Mr. Obama in the debate the other night almost turned my stomach.
She is not the kind of person that I want representing the United States of America around the world. We already have an ignorant bozo as our representative. It would be unwise to trade him in for someone as impolite, vulgar, and revolting as the woman who I saw bare her fangs.
During the Vietnam war once I was carrying a sign in an anti-war march, and I passed within a few feet of General Westmoreland (as the CIA guy took my picture with his beautiful Nikon camera). About ten years later I ran for elected political office as a Democrat, and I won. In general I find Republicans to be dishonest and greedy, not to mention cold and uncaring.
I guess it is fair to call me a life-long Democrat.
After seeing the true Hillary come out I have to praise this long election campaigning cycle. With this monster to come home to, I can sure see why Bill sought out other female companionship.
It pains me greatly to say this, but I would stay home or vote for John McCain before I would vote for that arrogant bitch.
... H Paul Garland at 5:02 AM
... H Paul Garland at 7:09 AM
This composite picture is of some dog tooth calcite which came from Minas de Gerais, Brazil fluorescing when illuminated with ultraviolet light. Click on the picture and it will enlarge.
This is a link to a high resolution copy of the same picture:
... H Paul Garland at 6:50 AM
... H Paul Garland at 11:54 AM
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... H Paul Garland at 6:39 PM
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... H Paul Garland at 4:17 PM
... H Paul Garland at 10:47 AM
... H Paul Garland at 9:43 AM
In Spain the authorities just arrested 14 lunatic Islamic religious fanatics. These guys had stockpiled bomb making materials and were very real about intending to kill a lot of folks in the name of the prophet Mohamed.
What is especially uncool about that is that they intended to do it in Barcelona.
In America this would be like a mass terrorist attack by religious fanatics in Austin, Texas or San Francisco or Santa Fe.
I'm sure no Republican, and I think Bush Jr. is about the dummest president the country has ever had.
But I don't have any problem when our authorities get tough with religious fanatics who want to kill in the name of their God. Whether they call themselves the Ku Klux Clan, the Nazis, or Islamic Fundamentalists. The name that they use to describe their group's killing spree is pretty much irrelevant.
... H Paul Garland at 7:04 PM
... H Paul Garland at 6:17 PM
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... H Paul Garland at 10:59 AM
... H Paul Garland at 9:46 AM
In a recent letter to the editor of the El Paso Times one hispanic lady questioned why so there are so few Mexican Americans in El Paso's city governmental leadership team.
The city of El Paso, Texas is now composed of over 75% people of Mexican Heritage. Yet the whites are still largely in control.
Remind you just a little itsy bit of Selma, Alabama? Click on this letter to the editor and it should enlarge enough to be readable.
I would hope that a Hispanic cop would be as fair with Anglos as a White cop. Or the other way around. But you never know. People here in America do seem to hold lots of racial prejudices that they keep pretty well hidden. And words are not nearly as important as action.
... H Paul Garland at 7:42 AM
I was over visiting a friend this afternoon. They have a prism suspended near the window so that the afternoon sunlight casts a light spectrum on the wall.
It was just beautiful. And it reminded me that this is only the part of the light spectrum that the human eye can see.
Beyond the red is infrared light. Which our skin can feel as warmth. Some snakes see very well indeed in this color range. Lots of other animals can see some of these colors which are well beyond the range that our eyes can detect. Just like dogs, bats, and dolphins can hear sounds higher in frequency than we can, and elephants can hear sounds lower in frequency than the human ear is capable of.
On the short wavelength portion of the spectrum, beyond the blue and purple, is what we normally refer to as ultraviolet (or black light). In water purification or medical environments these wavelengths (or colors) of light can used to can kill germs. In the upscale spas or tanning salons these invisible rays of light can tan our skin, help make vitamin D, and in heavy doses cause aging of the skin and then skin cancer.
These same ultraviolet light waves that our eye cannot see also make fluorescent minerals light up delightfully.
... H Paul Garland at 6:18 PM
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The store of the Hal Marcus Gallery is closing. Today and again tomorrow (Saturday January 19) they are having a clearance sale.
This is an end of an era for sure.
And this sale is an amazing event. Today while I was in the gallery three different customers bought paintings done by Hector Bernal. He is one of my favorite artists of all time. Even though I already have purchased three of his paintings I had to get one more. This one is called "Lady By The Lake."
I also met Candy Mayer there. She is an outstanding painter, and I have admired her work for some time. Her website is:
She had a nice painting that she had done back when she was living in Iowa, before she moved to El Paso. This painting is called "Guardian At The Gate." It is of some old buildings at a site dedicated to the Knights Templar. We had a good discussion regarding the terracotta roof tiles, which many people consider Mexican or Spanish Tiles. They actually date back to the time of the Roman Empire.
One of these pictures is of some of the 2,000 year old Roman roof tiles in my collection, which came from a Roman Villa. The other picture is one I took of some intact Roman roof tiles at Pompei, Italy.
... H Paul Garland at 5:35 PM
... H Paul Garland at 6:16 AM
This is good. In fact it is important. It is his own home state for heaven's sake.
We certainly don't need another Republican administration after the debacle of Bush and his cronies virtually bankrupting the country. Reagan did the same thing.
If the Republicans have a slick, bozo used car salesman like Romney on the ballot, even an obnoxious bitch has a chance of being elected.
... H Paul Garland at 7:53 AM
... H Paul Garland at 6:49 PM
... H Paul Garland at 11:56 AM
Getting old does not mean getting dumb, getting conservative, getting complacent, or getting used to spending your days driving a golf cart to early bird dinner specials.
Capitalism, undisciplined by
morality, will eventually self destruct.