Tuesday, May 08, 2007


In America there is increasing concern over the high price of gasoline. I got an e-mail from a friend this morning with this joke picture. It is supposed to be the new international symbol for gasoline.

Americans are not stupid people. I say this despite the appearance that President George W. Bush sometimes gives. But in general Americans have not yet figured out that the price of gasoline is only going to keep increasing.

Three U.S. Dollars per gallon is far less than half the price of gasoline in much of Europe. And the Europeans have a perfectly nice lifestyle that includes using their cars far too much.

Wake up guys: The more mass (weight) you haul around, the more fuel you will use. Small cars can be just as safe and comfortable. My Toyota Corolla for example goes three to four times as far on the same amount of fuel as my neighbour’s gigantic V8 pickup truck. And my air conditioning, CD player, cruise control, and power windows work just as well as his. All the money I am saving on fuel can be used to significantly improve my quality of life.
My friend Bob comented:
Roger that Paul, better MPG equals more disposable income. Americans have succumbed to their greed and have been tricked by the car and oil companies and the government. Karmic payback now: but those Suburbans are selling CHEAP on the used market!