Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Clean Floors

A friend today was extolling the virtues of her carpet washing machine. I have been needing to wash my carpets again, but it is such a pain in the ass to go rent the machine.

So I bought a machine today. We christened this carpet cleaning machine the Monica machine.

My little doggie Inu was extremely helpful. He paid extremely close attention to every step of unpacking the machine and putting it together. He was a great help by constantly encouraging me…licking me in the face and glasses. When this turbo charged beast fired up (sounding like a souped up SS396 Chevy) he thought it was immense fun to help clean the carpets running back and forth with every stroke.

We did a great job on the carpets but got water all over the tile floors.

About a month ago Monica’s husband Bob was extolling the virtues of his floor tile cleaning machine. After giving the matter a great deal of thought I had gone out and bought one. I have named this floor tile cleaning machine the Robert machine.

This machine is a little more agile, and my little doggie treats it with a certain amount of respect.

Now the carpets and the tile are spotless. I think for supper we will have a picnic on the floor.