Obama Slaps The Homos In The Face
I am a liberal democrat. I'm not gay; not even a little teeny bit. Sometimes I take the same position as the gays do, and sometimes I disagree with them completely.
What is happening right now is nothing short of shocking and shameful. A judge has said that don't ask don't tell (DADT) has to stop right now, completely, worldwide. Just like separate but equal for the negroes was ended. End of story. President Obama says very forcefully that DADT will end on his watch, period!!
But he keeps allowing the people who report to him to use every legal trick and tactic possible to try and continue DADT. Saying one thing and then doing something just the opposite. This is exactly how he has behaved on the other liberal-progressive issues of universal health care, re-regulation of the financial industry, ending the wars, and the environment.
Barack, people are committing suicide over this. Carrers and lives are being ruined. Yet you want to do the politically expedient thing, taking cover and waiting.
A friend warned me early on that Obama was just another slippery, ethically questionable Chicago politician. Thanks Clay. I didn't want to believe it, but after so much overwhelming evidence it sure is becoming hard to stay solidly behind President Obama.