Clarence Thomas
This story is so juicy you would expect to read it in some chick romance novel.
A black man who sits on the radical far right wing politically. A guy who is well known for his sexual abuse and ill treatment of women. And this guy is a supreme court justice.
His latest wife, a white, middle aged, arrogant, radical right wing political organizer and general trouble maker, has now reopened his prior mistreatment of women. She did this by leaving a message on the answering machine of one of his prior victims, a black college professor named Anita Hill. She asked the victim to apologize!
Thomas and his loose cannon wife are behaving in a fashion that is wildly inappropriate for a supreme court justice. It is possible to fire him. Under our system of government this is done through the impeachment process. It is about time to get this started. Before he or his wife further disgraces America.