Juarez Exodus
I saw an article today in “El Paso Inc.” which claims that since 2007 75% of the businesses in Juarez have closed down. The same article says that about 500,000 people have now left Juarez.
What has caused this terrible situation? Corruption. Political corruption and corruption in the judicial system. Mexico has always had an ambivalence towards the idea of rule-of-law. I have traveled all over Mexico and I have tremendous respect for the Mexican people and some elements of their culture. But the part of their culture which allows bribery and corruption to continue from the bottom to the very highest levels of this society, is a terrible cancer on the Mexican culture.
One of the distressing parts of this story is that many of the Mexicans emigrating to America want to retain their Mexican culture rather than go through the melting pot and become Americans. Sorry, but the Mexican culture has received a totally failing grade.
LINK: http://www.elpasoinc.com/readArticle.aspx?issueid=275&xrec=5005