Tuesday, January 26, 2010

WTF Barack?

The Obama administration is proposing a spending freeze on most domestic programs. In other words those programs which help out normal people instead of the super-rich. But there still is no mention of trying to freeze the spending on warfare, or indeed how we will eventually pay for all this death and destruction. You are allowing the government to keep borrowing from the Chinese to finance the military just like a drunken sailor or maybe a drunken Ronald Raygun. There certainly is no longer any mention of increasing taxes on the wealthy to help pay for the warfare spending deficit.

WTF is wrong with you Barack? Did you ever listen to the Frank Zappa album entitled Freak Out? The song called “The Return Of The Son Of Monster Magnet” goes like this: “Suzie. Suzie Creamcheese. This is the voice of your conscience Baby, uh, I just want to check on thing out with you. You don't mind do you? Suzie Creamcheese, Honey, what's got into you?”

You have surrounded yourself with Bush and Wall Street true believers. No wonder you are now acting like a center-right Republican instead of a liberal Democrat. You no longer listen to other points of view such as reasonable, well educated, progressive liberals like the Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman. You have even gotten distinctly paranoid Barack, accusing Krugman of being the leader of some kind of a liberal revolt against you. Paul Krugman is certainly not a leader, he is just an articulate moderate progressive who expresses the despair and dismay of the people who elected you.

So in addition to proposing various cut backs in programs for old people you are now suggesting a spending freeze on most other domestic programs as well.

Yes, Mr. Obama you have morphed into a greedy, uncaring right wing Republican. What a disaster for the country.
