Reaching Out Across The Aisle to Republicans
Barack Obama has proven to be a terrible disappointment. His childish idealism and his inability to face reality have wasted our time, and flushed massive amounts of our energy down the drain for an entire year now. This guy appears to be totally lost in space. Dazed and confused. Maybe it is because he has to constantly sneak into the closet to smoke his cigarettes. He just can't be bothered with silly concepts like millions of Americans dying because they are excluded from the health care system.
Reaching across the aisle to these right wing guys is like reaching out to the nazis or a rattlesnake. No matter how sweet you talk to it, turn your back for just a moment and it will do it's best to wipe you out. Compromise is simply not possible with lunatics like these.
One year into his Presidency we have realized that Obama has no balls, no backbone. And no moral foundation to stand on. He had the very most liberal voting record of any person in the U.S. Senate, so it was not unreasonable for the American voters to think that he was a liberal. For him to cave in to the rich capitalists on pharmaceuticals, the single payer health plan, the government option, even social security buy in; and then for him to try to reduce health benefits to people receiving social security, and to try and tax hourly working people to pay for his health insurance company bail out program is nothing short of horribly sick and perverted.
He promised to end the wars and close the government's secret jails. He has not closed the secret jails and he has significantly increased troop levels. He has surrounded himself with Wall Street advisers, and he has kept Bush Jr's military man on the payroll.
How many times is he going have to get his ass brutally kicked by these dishonest, greedy, right wingers before he realizes that his continued efforts trying to “cross the aisle” is causing horrible damage to America and its people? Obama allegedly was a liberal, he also was allegedly a constitutional scholar. He seems to have forgotten the part about “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Or maybe he thinks that trying to cross the aisle is important enough that he can just ignore this part about democracy and the needs of the common people.
President Obama needs to go back to basics. Progressive taxation.
Sales taxes, the taxes on your phone bill, social security payroll taxes, school taxes, gasoline taxes, and a multitude of other taxes and governmental fees already hit the poor and the middle class far harder than they do the rich. So our current tax situation is regressive. It takes from the poor and the middle classes, and transfers their wealth to a small group of dishonest rich people. People who earn more than $250,000 or $1 million per year have a moral and social obligation to pay a bigger part of the nation's expenses than poor people. America has a long history of progressive taxation. It is time to get back to what made America strong.
If Obama and his team don't develop the balls and the strength of character to take on the rich and powerful soon, Barack Obama will surely go down in history as one the very worst presidents this country has ever had.