Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Man With No Hands

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This horrid picture was in one of the Juarez, Mexico newspapers today. The caption says Violence Without Limits.

What kind of horrendous animals are these people? And it is all taking place because of greed and money.

Do they think we are back in the 1400’s and this is the new Spanish Inquisition? Or maybe like the Taliban back in the Dark Ages? In France during the reign of terror in the late 1700’s lots of heads were cut off with the guillotine. Beheadings have now become commonplace in Juarez too. Ho hum. Oh goodness, another beheading.

I can imagine the right wing racists and red necks thinking, “Oh well, its just Mexicans killing other Mexicans, so why get all worked up about it? And so what if lots of decent, common laborers are still dying of thirst trying to cross the desert to reach America?”

This sort of behavior shows me just how near to the surface man’s most inhuman instincts are. And the fact that I can live just a few kilometers to the north of this anarchy, and for the most part just forget about it, says a lot about us humans also.
