Progressive Taxation
The type of society one sees in Mexico today is the inevitable result of a country where the concept of rule-of-law is almost irrelevant, and where any attempt to provide some leveling of income through progressive taxation is clearly not present.
The Republicans in America should feel very comfortable with the situation that is taking place in Mexico. This is what enormous wealth put side by side with corruption and back breaking poverty looks like.
America has a long history of progressive taxation, but for the last 50 years the right wing has been doing its best to discredit the concept. Due to the passivity of intellectuals and the left wing, ignorant politicians and drug addicted radio talk show hosts have been fairly successful in their continued attack on progressive taxation.
These people on the far right wrap themselves in the flag while prominently carrying a bible in their hand. They use any kind of dishonest or brutal tactic available to destroy the people who would try to moderate this greed.
The current battle over health care in America is part of this. One hundred million people in America are either completely uninsured or underinsured in such a way that just one big disease or major accident would force them into bankruptcy. Workers keep their eyes averted and their noses down just so that they won’t lose their job, and thus lose the health insurance for their family. If you are owned by the company store you are less likely to be a trouble maker and talk about things like workplace safety or fair treatment of people.
I realized a few days ago that having grown up in the 1950s I fell completely for the right wing propaganda that America Is Always Best. America is the richest nation, and we always insist on doing what it proper and right. This is of course a big load of hog wash, but a young child doesn’t have the education or life experience to see through one-sided descriptions like this.
It has taken me many years of world travel, interacting with people of many different cultures, post graduate education, reading, and trying to keep my eyes, ears, and mind open to see through these party-line lies and half truths.
Greed is rapidly destroying America. But this is really quite normal and indeed almost to be expected. All really successful “super power” cultures so far in the entire history of mankind have gone through the evolution of rise, a period of enormous wealth, and then the fall. Just look at today’s Greeks, Romans, Persians, Dutch, or even the British. Pathetic, weak imitations of what they were at one time. America is well on its way on the downward portion of the curve. Some of the Democrats, the left wing, and enlightened people like Barack Obama are trying to reverse this downward spiral.
So far at least I do not see an indication of any reversal. Maybe there is a slight slowing down, but like global warming was at one time, it is hard to verify. I don’t see anything in America remotely approaching a return to leadership (rather than greedy, corrupt politicians openly on the take), honesty in government, or a widespread belief in social fairness.
Thinking back over the various alcoholics I have known over the years reminds me of one important lesson. You can’t solve the problem until you openly acknowledge that it exists.
We won’t be effective in trying to turn America around if we are caught up in the traps of greed, acquisitiveness, buying a large fancy house, and we are driving a big V8 car which gets horrible fuel economy.