I have been struck by all the slick, expensive commercials that I see on TV for various prescription antidepressants and mood altering chemicals. There is one now which you are supposed to ask your doctor to prescribe for you which is intended to be taken in addition to the other antidepressants you are already taking, when the drugs you are already ingesting have not yet made you completely oblivious to how much your particular life sucks.
This whole thing makes me feel really uncomfortable. It makes me think of Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. Except of course that their lives didn’t suck at all. They were immensely wealthy and adored by their fans.
You don’t solve the problems and difficulties in your life by taking drugs. That is the Alice In Wonderland approach. This path only leads to drug addiction. Drug addiction can ruin your life.
It reminds me of a few hundred years ago when the British Government was sponsoring the sales of opium (heroin) in China. The Chinese Government didn’t particularly appreciate this, and they tried to stop it. So the British sent in their military and imposed their will with force. Look it up. Honest.
If you are unhappy because your life sucks, the answer is to work on the root causes of your unhappiness. Not to try and mask your problems by becoming a drug addict or alcoholic. Duh….