Monday, July 13, 2009

Camera Filters

Back in the bad old days of emulsion and chemicals, filters were important. Especially if you were shooting transparencies (slides) you had no chance to change the picture once you pressed on the shutter. You could also do strange things to the contrast of a black and white shot if you used a colored filter. But now most of this kind of work is done with Photoshop or its imitators.

With digital cameras there still are two filters, maybe 3, which are useful. The most useful is a UV filter. This basically protects your expensive lens from sticky or greasy fingers and doggie noses. Nothing much more.

The most useful “genuine” filter is a circular polarizing filter. It can be used to reduce reflections greatly or to make the sky look bluer than it is in real life.

The last filter is just plain fun to play with. It is a star light filter. You don’t ever actually use it after you get done playing with it initially, but it still is nice.